Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Machu Picchu and Buying a Home . . .

One of my favorite books is "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years", in it, Donald Miller takes you on an eye opening journey that will challenge you to REALLY live your life story.  We are talking about a turn off the TV, get off Facebook, experiencing everything life has to offer kind of story.  Donald takes us on an excursion to see the famed city of Machu Picchu.  I did not know that there are several ways to get to this ancient place.  Many travelers will chose to take a bus, train or even fly in, but there are a rare few that choose to make the treacherous hike in to Machu Picchu.  This 4 day excursion is not to be taken lightly.  Drastic climbs in elevation, fluctuating weather and harsh terrain make this expedition anything but quick or easy.  Take a look at the hike itinerary, below . . .

As I have thought about Donald's account of his hike to, and experience in Machu Picchu as outlined in his book, I can't help but make a comparison to so many sweet families and individuals that I have had the opportunity to "hike" with on their journey to home ownership.  You see, for many, purchasing a is not an easy loan app, home search and signing of closing documents.  In fact, many stories look more like the picture above.  Past bankruptcies, divorce, medical issues, bad credit and simply the hard lessons of life can knock us to the ground, leaving us feeling helpless and hopeless to ever realizing the dream of home ownership.  I am hear to tell you some great news!!  No matter where you have been, what your past looks like, how many mistakes you have made - you too can own a home - if you so desire.  The trail to get there may be narrow, steep, long and scary, but with a team of caring experts guiding you through, you can make it!!

My favorite part of Donald's experience hiking in to Machu Picchu is a realization he had once he made it to the Sun Gate, to over look the beautiful ruins.  I thought of paraphrasing, but why?  He puts it, so perfectly!

"And it was like Carlos said, because you can take a bus to Machu Picchu; you can take a train and then a bus, you can hike a mile to the Sun  Gate.  But the people who took the bus didn't experience the city as we experienced the city.  The pain made the city more beautiful.  The story made us different characters than we would have been if we had skipped the story and showed up at the ending an easier way.
It wasn't only the pain of the trail that made you appreciate the city; it was the pain of the landscape, steep in the mountains of the Andes, spiraled towers of natural rock, cliffs dropping for a thousand feet to the river."

You see, the path to owning a home looks very different for every person brave enough to start down the trail.  In almost 12 years, I can tell you one thing for sure, the ones who conquer the "Inca Trail" of the real estate world swell with a sense of pride and accomplishment that is visible in their walk, heard in their voice and impossible to miss as their eyes beam at the closing table!  No doubt that in all of the stories I have been apart of, the most impacting and memorable are the ones are the ones who endured to the end, ensuring their goals and dreams were realized!  There is nothing more gratifying in my real estate world than handing keys to a buyer who fought through the mess, climbed to the top and finally . . . owns a home!!!

Whatever your trail looks like, please always feel free to contact me.  I take great joy in hiking the steep and rough terrain alongside you!

Jessica Adams, Realtor
Cannon and Comapny Real Estate Services
801.518.1806 (call or txt)

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